Compression wood is a result of mechanical stress within the tree. Although it may be a reaction to a single environmental event (e.g. windstorm or a large snow storm), width of “compressed” rings does not typically carry a clear climatic signal
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Kompressionsved (även kallat “tjurved”) bildas då trädet plötsligt börjar lita till följd av t.ex. storm
A fire scar on pine sample from Ural mountains, Russia. Fire scar is located on the border between early- and latewood.
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Ett brandljud i ett prov av tall från Uralbergen, Ryssland. Brandljudet bildades mittemellan försommarveden och sensommarveden
Fire scar formed in the second half of the season, Scotch pine
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Brandljud i en tall, som bildades under sensommaren
Growth depression and subsequent growth release in Norway spruce. Dating these features helps in reconstucting stand dynamics
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Tillväxtnedgång i en gran som kan vara till hjälp för att ta redå på tidigare bestånddynamiken
A pale ring in a Scotch pine sample. In conifers of the boreal zone, a pale ring is often indicative of cold (and sometimes short) summer
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En blek årsring i en tall. Barrträd i boreala zonen brukar formas under kalla (och ofta också korta) somrar
1702 growing season resulted in a dark and large latewood in this pine sample from Pechoro-Ilichski reserve, Komi Republic, Russia
A local fire scar on Scots pine. In contrast to typical scar, which is often visible from outside the tree, local scars can be detected only on cross-sections or wedges
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Ett helt övervuxet litet brandljud som endast blir synligt i utsågade tvärsnitt
During preparation of samples for density analyses, they are cut in thing (2-mm) slides
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Bearbetning av vedprov inför densitetanalys börjar med sågning av de i 2-mm tjock bitar
Two pointer years, 1531 and 1538 (both – pale rings), on a pine sample from Ural mountains, Komi Republic, Russia
Samples of old trees often lack the pith, which makes it difficult to exactly estimate their ages
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Prov från gamla träd eller stubbar oftar saknar märg som hindrar åldersbestämning
Growth of oak (Quercus robur) in Southern Sweden is strongly controlled by the growing season water balance
Strong growth depression in a Norway spruce, possibly a result of partial loss of the crown, and growth recovery afterwards
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En kraftig tillväxtnedgång i en gran, kanske orsakad av kronförlust
Oak (Quercus robur) has semi-porous wood with large vessels in the earlywood part of the ring
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Eken har bandporig ved med stora kärl som bildas under våren-förrsommaren
Ax scar on a pine sample from Pechoro-Ilich reserve, Komi Republic, Russia